PESA Grand-Finalist  

On the 22nd July, Year 11 student Lola Ogunbambi competed in the Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) Grand-Final at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne. PESA is a public-speaking competition for students in Senior School and allows participants to present both a prepared speech on an important social issue as well as present an impromptu speech on a random topic they are given just four minutes before they speak.

PESA is one of the largest competitions within Victoria and boosts representatives from almost every school across the state. With over 150 students across the state competing, it is a huge honour and achievement that Lola was able to excel and reach the Grand-Final with only the top seven speakers remaining.

Lola’s prepared speech was a developed and critical view of how whilst-blowers are treated across the western world and ultimately how without increasing protections, we are setting a dangerous precedent for all journalists and news reporters to follow.

Overall, we are so proud of what Lola has achieved and the command of language, voice and presentation that she demonstrated.