There are many resources available to support you to grow as a debater and public speaker.

All students involved in the program receive personalised coaching and mentoring for upcoming competitions, along with the opportunity to attend debating and public speaking training opportunities.

In addition, all students have access to the online resources below:

  • 2022 Training Resources All materials from 2020 debating and public speaking training sessions, including online tutorials, will be loaded here. If you’ve missed a training opportunity, or would like to review the resources from a session you attended, you will find it here.
  • Debating and Public Speaking Handbook If you’re seeking to improve a particular public speaking and debating skill, look no further. Topics covered range from developing a hook to open your speech, strategies to improve your rebuttal, to planning templates for your speeches.
  • Specific Competition Guidelines and Resources Signed up to a competition and want to know more? Find here more details of the requirements of the particular competitions and resources to assist your preparation.
  • Other Resources One of the joys of debating and public speaking is that you can always improve. Explore additional resources here. Code of Conduct
  • Being a part of the debating and public speaking program comes with certain expectations which are outlined in our Code of Conduct.