To fit in the rehearsals for House Music, a revised version of the timetable is adopted for the days on which rehearsals fall. Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June will be the official introduction of House Music to students and staff, with the revised ‘A/B’ timetable applicable that day. Rehearsals begin again on Monday July 22 (Week 2, Term 3) and occur every day except Wednesday up to and including Friday 9 August. Monday 12 August is the day of House Music and normal classes do not occur on that day (details of movements for House Music day can be found at ‘3. ON THE DAY’).

Each period is shortened by five minutes to become 75 minutes in length. Period X is also shortened. This allows for Periods A and B, which are the rehearsal times for the Massed Choir items and the Small Vocal ensembles. All students are involved in the Massed Choir items but only around 15-20 from each house are in the small vocal items. Period A and B occur back to back between Period 1 and Period 2. Refer to the page ‘WHERE DO I GO??’ to see exactly when and where your house is rehearsing.

Houses that have Massed Choir in Pd A have recess in Pd B, and vice versa.

The revised House Music bell times are below, and are displayed around the college.