Dear SLSO students,

On Monday October 12, 2015, SLSO (2014/15 orchestra) will be performing at the Senior School Speech night. This is in week 2 of term 4. As a result we will only have two rehearsals to learn 2 pieces.

Rehearsals are
Monday October 5 from 3:35-5pm
Wednesday October 7 from 7:20-8:20am

I will expect that you know how your part goes by the time you attend these rehearsals.

Please click on each piece below to access the sheet music.

1. Bohemian Dance by Dvorak

2. Magic to Do (from Annie)

NB: I had scheduled yr 9 auditions on the day of the Oct 9 rehearsal so i will reschedule them later in that week. Appologies for any inconveniences.

Kind regards

Mr Hooper