Keeping your device organised is an important part of your learning – if you can’t find a document, you won’t be able to complete the work your teachers set for you.


All of your school-related files must be stored in your St Leonard’s College OneDrive folder. This can be accessed by through your file manager (Windows: File Explorer | Mac: Finder). This allows your work to be synced and accessed from any device, and also means that if your device is damaged or lost, you can still access what you need for class.

In your OneDrive, you should have one folder for each class you have this year. This is where the relevant files for each subject should go.



Naming your files

Using clear and consistent file names helps prevent lost work and makes it easier for teachers to identify submissions. Follow these guidelines to keep your files organised.

General File Naming Format

Use the following structure when saving files:



  • Essay_02-05.docx
  • PracticalReport_T1.pdf

Key File Naming Rules

Use clear, structured namesUntitled.docx or New Document (1).docx
Include subject and task typeRandom names like stuff.docx
Use your name if requiredMaths Homework (no name included)
Use underscores (_) or dashes (-) instead of spacesSpaces can cause issues in some systems
Use YYYY-MM-DD or term-based datesAvoid unclear dates like Feb report

Recommended File Formats

File TypeRecommended Format
Documents.docx or .pdf
Images.png or .jpeg

If submitting files, always check the required format in case your teacher specifies one.