In Year 7 English students are encouraged to build on the skills they have developed in primary school and to take a more creative and adventurous approach to English.

Term One

We begin the year with an exploration of the concepts of communication and perspective as students explore the construction of written language through both narratives and an opportunity to collaborate, create and present a podcast. Alongside this, vital grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary work will be embedded into the course.

Term Two 

Term Two will bring the excitement of the first novel study in secondary school for our Year 7 students. Using the prescribed novel as a basis of our study, we will explore the concepts of identity and environment, looking at the relationship between the two through the lens of our chosen text study. In preparation for this unit, students’ reading and comprehension skills will be the focus as we develop and hone these skills.

Term Three

In Term Three, students will build upon their text study skills as they begin to explore a film as text. This year students will study the film, Hunt for the Wilderpeople.  Through this film, we will build our conceptual understanding as we move from exploring identity and environment to looking at the interrelationship between identity and belonging.

Term Four

We end the year by finalising our film study before developing collaborative skills as students study a text of their choice (from a wide-ranging list) with a small group of their peers.

Throughout the course of the year, each class will also have a fortnightly Library session during which time students will have the opportunity to read widely.


Term One

  1. Spelling, punctuation & grammar quiz: Parts of Speech
  2. Capturing a Moment creative writing task
  3. Podcasting

Term Two

  1. Spelling, punctuation & grammar quiz
  2. Inferring test
  3. Visualising poster

Term Three

  1. Conversations about Identity and Belonging
  2. 2 x spelling, punctuation & grammar quiz

Term Four

  1. Analytical paragraphs
  2. Spelling, punctuation & grammar quiz
  3. Lit circles: Reading journal


Remember to visit these other STL Link sites as you begin developing new skills that you will carry through your secondary schooling:

Essay Writing: On this website you can find a lot of useful resources, including explanations, examples, planning tools and activities.

Creative Writing: Creative writing is an important part of English and there are opportunities to participate in writing competitions.

Public SpeakingStudents participate in the College-wide Norm Fary Public Speaking Competition. Public speaking skills are crucial to any person, and on this website students will find details about the competition, some advice to help you improve your public speaking, as well as some examples of excellent speeches.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: Here you will find a quick-reference guide to some common mistakes in relation to proper spelling and the use of punctuation and grammar. Use it to help improve your general writing skills.