Students will:

  1. Follow all teacher directions including when to use the device.
  2. Access only the information related to the learning task.
  3. Have your device fully charged at the start of every school day.
  4. Have the volume of devices muted at the beginning of each lesson.
  5. Inform the teacher or others when using the camera and audio recording functions.
  6. Ensure that your device is password locked.
  7. Seek your teacher’s permission before sending any form of electronic messaging in class.
  8. Ensure that audio, photos and video recorded at school are not uploaded, broadcast or transferred without a teacher’s permission.
  9. Only use headphones at the discretion of the teacher when they are used to support learning.
  10. Only use your personal device yourself, hence, not loan your device to another student.
  11. Transport and store your device in a safe and secure manner when not in use, ensuring devices are in a sturdy and robust cover at all times.
  12. If you are a year 5/6 or Middle School student, keep your device locked in your locker at recess and lunch time unless participating in a supervised learning activity.
  13. Keep mobile phones stored in your locker during the school day.
  14. Be bound by all conditions in the St Leonard’s College Agreed standards for student use of technology.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in your device being confiscated by teachers until the end of the lesson or for more serious breaches; the device will be held for longer.