Armchair travel
A page to share adventures in the outdoors, to reminisce, to inspire, relax and enjoy.
Links to websites and stories that will hopefully inspire:
The Great Barrier Reef
Explore one of the earth’s magic wonders with David Attenborough. Learn how the Reef is changing day by day, how it’s being threatened by the changing climate, and discover the magical creatures that call the Great Barrier Reef home.
For more online resources including live lessons and programs regarding ocean health, climate change and other global topics check out Encounter Edu here.
Discover Uluru, Northern Territory.
Melbourne Aquarium
Join the Melbourne Aquarium for live streams and Q&A’s with Bird Keepers, Aquarists, and sea creatures. Get exclusive activity sheets, craft activities and downloadable content.
Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Tour Kangaroo Island on a virtual tour, guided by a local tour guide. Watch videos on fire ecology and regeneration, or get up close and personal with the wildlife who call Kangaroo Island home.
Western Australia
Click here to check out some of WA’s Parks and Wildlife
Travel and Outdoor Adventures by staff: