Young people may experience grief and loss at different times as they grow up. There are a range of resources below to help parents understand how children and adolescents may react to grief and loss and some ideas on how they may support them.


Supporting a Grieving Child

About Grief

Adolescents and Grief

Children and Grief (Pre-school)

Children and Grief (Primary School)

Grief, Anniversaries and Significant Events

How to Help Someone Who is Grieving

For more resources or information, parents can contact the organisations below:

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement

Griefline Community and Family Services or 1800 845 745

Supporting your child  after the suicide of a friend or in the community

Information for families

Grief: How young people respond

Supporting young people after a suicide


R U OK? Day

SchoolTV – Special Report: Flood Support & Recovery

Helping your child with trauma or difficult events

Understanding Grief and Loss in Young People