Teenagers, Alcohol and Parties
Most teenagers, like adults, are social beings and spending time together is an important and enjoyable part of their lives.
Adolescence is also a time of experimenting and challenging boundaries. It is therefore vital that parents and other responsible adults ensure that young people are safe and supervised in age-appropriate ways.
Supplying Alcohol to Teenagers
In 2011, the law changed to make it illegal to serve alcohol in a private home to anyone under 18, unless their parents have given permission.
Adults who break the law face fines over $7000, the same amount a licensee would be fined for selling alcohol to someone who is underage.
More information is available at: www.teendrinkinglaw.vic.gov.au
This site also has information about young people and drinking, how to talk to your child about underage drinking and reducing the risk of alcohol-related harm.
Parents are also welcome to raise this issue and seek support from the College counsellors.
Safe Parties
The Victoria Police runs a Safe Parties program – offering both advice and registration of parties with local police stations. For more information, see below:
Paul Dillon also has some great tips – A practical guide to hosting a safe teen party at your home: All the things you’ve never thought of……
Communicating Effectively With Young People About Alcohol
Michael Carr-Gregg, child psychologist, discusses how parents can communicate effectively with young people about alcohol:
Information for parents about drugs
Created by the Victorian Government, Drug information for parents provides information about drugs, their effects, and how to recognize when young people are using drugs.